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Menopause & Vaginal Discomfort

Ovesse Postmenopausal Women

The menopause is part of the normal ageing process and is due to the natural decline in oestrogen production. In the UK, the average age of menopause is 51.

50% of postmenopausal women experience vaginal symptoms including dryness, soreness, burning, itching or painful intercourse. These symptoms may also be referred to using the medical term, vaginal atrophy.

However, many women do not talk about these symptoms and keep them to themselves instead.

What women think about vaginal discomfort

80% of postmenopausal women consider vaginal discomfort to negatively affect their lives.*
75% of postmenopausal women consider vaginal discomfort to negatively impact sexual intimacy.*
63% of postmenopausal women do not recognise vaginal atrophy to be a chronic condition.** Vaginal symptoms are not likely to resolve without treatment.

* Vaginal Health Survey of 500 postmenopausal women aged 55-65 years (United States - 2010)
** Vaginal Health Survey of 3,520 postmenopausal women aged 55-65 years (7 countries including GB – 2010)

Ovesse Postmenopausal Women Talking
80% of postmenopausal women consider vaginal discomfort to negatively affect their lives.*
63% of postmenopausal women do not recognise vaginal atrophy to be a chronic condition.** Vaginal symptoms are not likely to resolve without treatment.
75% of postmenopausal women consider vaginal discomfort to negatively impact sexual intimacy.*

* Vaginal Health survey in the United States, 2013, 3520 postmenopusal women aged 55 to 65 years old.
** Vaginal Health survey, 2012, 3520 postmenopusal women aged 55 to 65 years old.

Vaginal Atrophy (VA)

Vaginal symptoms can start any time after the menopause. The medical term for this is vaginal atrophy which, unlike hot flushes or night sweats, is unlikely to resolve without treatment.

Postmenopausal changes to vaginal tissue

Ovesse Vaginal Atrophy Diagram

Vaginal atrophy is caused by the decrease in oestrogen which occurs during and after menopause.

The lack of oestrogen causes the tissues in and around the vagina to become thinner and more fragile. This also causes a decrease in both the elasticity of the vagina and the production of mucus that maintains a moist vaginal environment, and an alteration to the range of bacteria in the vagina. These changes can result in the symptoms of vaginal atrophy.

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Help Is Available

Ovesse 1mg/g Vaginal Cream Estriol - Postmenopausal Women

Despite the impact of VA on women’s lives, many remain reluctant to talk about their symptoms, and may not recognise that treatment is available.

Ovesse is available without prescription and provides discreet, easy to use treatment that eases symptoms and treats the cause of vaginal atrophy.

Click the button below for more information about Ovesse.

Click the button below to visit Ovesse on the Boots website, where you can complete the Pharmacy Checklist. This ensures that Ovesse is suitable for you.

UK-EST-06-24-00001 October 2024